APD Global’s Civil expertise covers bulk earthworks, drainage, slabs, piles, bunds, firewalls, roads and temporary construction requirements.
Our structural know-how includes the design of substation structures like supports, gantries, masts and switchroom solutions varying from tilt up panel construction, masonry, transportable and containerised solutions.
APD is excited to announce the successful completion of the first Satellite Backhaul Upgrade site for our client in regional WA. It demonstrates our client’s innovative approach to customer service for regional communities, to improve connectivity and better internet access. APD Global proudly delivered the full Design & Construct of this site. We thank our…
ElectraNet initiated a Unit Asset Replacement (UAR) for the regulatory period 2018-2023 involving substation asset replacement. APD Global was engaged by Enerven to produce the design for the UAR project at five substations namely; Blanche, Mt Gambier, Mayurra, Penola West and South East.
APD Global was engaged by Energy Australia (EA) to carry out a grid connection study & assess the local network & determine what upgrades were required to allow connection of a further 300-450MW extra generation to the Endeavour Energy’s (EE) 132kV Tallawarra Switching Station. It will be Australia’s first net-zero emissions plant, which will use…
APD Global were engaged by Alinta Energy to provide Owner’s Engineering services for the Chichester Solar Farm. The Chichester Solar Project consisted of a 60MW solar PV power station located in the Pilbara region. The project also included 64km of 220kV transmission line, two new 220kV substations at Christmas Creek and Cloudbreak and an expansion…
APD were engaged by Western Power to complete detailed design & drafting for the new transformer circuit & switchroom at the Rangeway substation, Geraldton, WA
APD Global were contracted by PLP to engineer and design three new 1.5MVA and one 1MVA 11/0.433kV kiosk substations, powerline modifications and power and fibre optic cable reticulation for Rio Tinto Iron Ore’s Wickham Accommodation Expansion.
Tom Price Transmission Tower: APD were engaged by Rio Tinto & Powerlines Plus to conduct detailed designs for the replacement of a damaged tower in WA
As part of the re-start of the operations at Thunderbox mine, APD was engaged to undertake powerline modification and upgrade works for Saracen Minerals Holdings. This included undergrounding of existing 11kv overhead assets, installation of a new 315kV transformer, earthing, soil testing and maintenance / repairs on other existing infrastructure.
APD was contracted by BHP Iron Ore to perform detailed design and Process Control System (PCS) integration for a Variable Speed Drive (VSD) replacement of two vent fan soft starters at Wheelara and Orebody (OB18). Based on the client’s drawing, specifications and documentation APD prepared detail designs, executed the integration and completed the project.
APD were engaged by Rio Tinto requiring 3 sections of overhead power lines to be undergrounded to allow for new haul roads to be constructed. After field data collection, we completed the power line modelling to AS7000 and Rio Tinto’s specifications for new and existing poles and towers. APD also provided detailed designs for structures, foundations, line profiles, earthing and more.