CLIENT: Woodside
LOCATION: Karratha, Pilbara, WA.
APD was engaged in the definition phase of the Pluto Solar Import control integration into the Pluto Power Management System. Pluto operated islanded with its 160MW of embedded generation, hence a connection to the NWIS (North-West Interconnected System) is required to import solar power. The control aspects of this integration form the basis of this study.
The Pluto Solar Import Project will incorporate a 50 MW Solar Farm at Maitland Strategic Industrial Estate (Maitland), a Transmission and Distribution system from the Solar Farm to the Pluto LNG Park and the additions and modifications at the Pluto site to allow the import of external power into the auxiliary power grid, displacing some of the GTG load and fuel gas usage.
Woodside engaged APD Global to provide the integrated control system definition for the Pluto Solar Import Study.
- Develop functional design specifications for all system hardware as defined in the Basis of Design;
- Modification to the existing Power Management System or new hardware required at Pluto;
- Hardware packages required for the Burrup Substation including BESS, Horizon Power transmission substation(s), solar farm and any other equipment in NWIS that requires interfacing;
- System design and performance, including scan times, processor loading, display updates, serial interfaces, system functions, system redundancy and hardware requirements;
- Develop cost estimate and schedule for implementation.