Our earthing design team have proven experience in Greenfield and Brownfield projects and have completed detailed design and field testing activities for a wide range of clients from utility (transmission and distribution) through to mining, land development and railway sectors.
APD Global was engaged by Energy Australia (EA) to carry out a grid connection study to assess the local network & determine what upgrades were required to allow connection of a further 300-450MW extra generation to the Endeavour Energy’s (EE) 132kV Tallawarra Switching Station.
APD Global conducted detailed earthing studies as per AS/NZS 4853:2012 including; EPR, LFI and EMF hazard assessments as well as review of proposed cathodic protection and other gas pipeline ancillary services (below and above ground). Site testing works were also undertaken to validate the detailed CDEGS modelling results.
APD Global was requested by Energy Made Clean to complete a HV submission to satisfy the Western Australian electrical requirements for the Northam solar farm.
Visual inspection and testing of the lightning protection, earthing and bonding systems for the Point Lookout Wastewater Treatment Plant. The project came about due to multiple instrument and electric motor failures, attributed to insufficient earthing of the instruments.
APD Global were engaged to provide a certified electrical design for supply of Eaton Apartments in Wickham, Newcastle. A chamber substation was selected due to apparent space restrictions to site. Liaison with client, architect, structural engineers and site electricians was part of the process used to develop the final solution.
APD Global was engaged to undertake Insulation Coordination and Reactor Switching Studies for a 275kV substation in South Australia. Advanced studies based on PSCAD/EMTDC modelling were carried out to ensure the safe operation of the substation through surge protective devices.
APD were engaged by Western Power to complete detailed design & drafting for the new transformer circuit & switchroom at the Rangeway substation, Geraldton, WA
APD were engaged by Essential Energy to complete large packages of reinforcement works as part of their network maintenance. This included both overhead and underground design packages all over NSW.